600 Resumes, a Flawed ATS, and My Quick Solution

Hey everyone,

I work at a fintech company, and I recently learned that our HR recruiter had to review a staggering 600 resumes for a single data analyst role. I was shocked—especially considering we pay our ATS tens of thousands of dollars annually. While it has a ranking feature for candidates, it’s so inaccurate that we’d need to spend an additional $10k to upgrade to the enterprise version.

In response, I created a simple tool that calculates a matching score for each applicant and provides insights on why they might be a good or poor fit for the role. Our recruiter shared it with some HR colleagues, and they’re interested in converting it into a full-fledged product.

Before I dive in, I’d love your feedback on whether this idea has potential. I realize that hiring is fundamentally a human process, but the sheer volume of resumes is overwhelming—many of which are just spam or mass submissions. I’m considering implementing a Kahoot-style quiz (10 seconds per question) for matched applicants to help filter out those who indiscriminately send out their CVs without being truly qualified.

Do you think this approach seems too mechanical, or could it genuinely enhance the hiring process? I’m eager to hear your thoughts!

Also, if you have any ideas for features that typically cost a fortune in standard ATS systems but could be done more affordably and effectively, I’d love to hear them!