Should I Address My Cover Letter to a Specific Person or Use “Hiring Manager”?
I’m applying for a hospitality position and want to make a strong impression.
While reviewing the online application, I noticed a list of senior managers at the company. Initially, I planned to use the generic greeting “Dear Hiring Manager,” but I’m considering addressing it directly to one of the senior managers listed.
I’m concerned, however, that the person I choose may not actually review my application.
What’s your advice on this? Do you have a preference for addressing cover letters directly to a specific individual or using a general title?
It’s great that you’re putting so much thought into your cover letter! Addressing it directly to a specific person can make a stronger impact, as it shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the position. If you see a senior manager listed online, it’s usually a good idea to address your cover letter to them by name, such as “Dear [Manager’s Name].”
However, if you’re concerned that the person you address may not be the one reviewing the applications, you could add a simple line in your cover letter that shows your awareness of that possibility, or you can mention their title to indicate your intent. For example, you might write: “Dear [Manager’s Name], Human Resources Team,” which signals you’re open to having your application seen by others in the hiring team.
In summary, addressing your cover letter to a specific individual is generally preferable, as long as you’re comfortable doing so. It can help you stand out in the competitive hospitality field. Best of luck with your application!