Seeking Advice: New Desk Compensation

Hello everyone! I’m looking for your guidance on a situation I’m currently navigating.

I’ve been given the opportunity to start a new cold desk in Life Sciences beginning in October, due to my expressed interest in taking on this challenge.

Since joining my recruitment agency in April, which specializes in Healthcare, I’ve successfully billed over £33k across five deals—three of which were completed just last month. I’m currently earning an additional £1,000 per month in commission, and I anticipate that will continue to grow. I also bring around two years of recruitment experience to the table.

However, transitioning to this new desk means stepping away from my current, steady commission stream. I understand that it might take 6 months to close a deal, and up to 12-18 months to achieve consistent profitability. This transition also carries more risk as I’ll be starting from scratch in an unfamiliar sector.

A sales manager I know suggested that I negotiate an additional £1,000 per month for the first six months to offset the commission I’m relinquishing while I work to establish the new desk.

My questions are:

  1. Is it reasonable to request this additional compensation?
  2. If that’s not feasible, what other forms of support could I consider asking for?
  3. Am I being unreasonable in thinking I should be compensated for this transition, or should I go ahead with the current compensation package?

Thank you in advance for your valuable insights!