Chat with a Recruiter
Hey everyone! I hope this isn’t against the rules of the subreddit—just wanted to seek some advice.
I’ve got a meeting lined up with a recruiter where they want to “get to know me.” My understanding is that this is more about gathering information so they can represent me effectively for a role.
I’m wondering whether I should mention the gap in my resume (from graduation to now) due to a family emergency. Do you think it’s important to bring that up? Also, besides the job ad, are there any key points about myself that I should highlight during the conversation?
I tend to get pretty anxious during interviews and sometimes struggle with my presentation, coming off as either too formal or too casual.
Thanks in advance for your tips! Wishing everyone good luck in finding some unexpected blessings!
Hi there! It’s great that you have a meeting scheduled with a recruiter—this is a valuable opportunity to present yourself well.
Regarding the gap in your resume, it’s perfectly acceptable to mention it, especially if it was due to a family emergency. Just be honest but concise; you don’t need to go into too much detail. You can frame it positively by emphasizing how you’ve used that time to grow personally or develop any relevant skills, even if they weren’t in a formal job setting.
As for what to bring up about yourself, consider highlighting your strengths, skills, and any experiences that relate to the job you’re applying for. Think about projects, volunteer work, or even personal endeavors that demonstrate your abilities or dedication. It might help to prepare a couple of anecdotes that illustrate your skills or character without sounding too rehearsed.
To ease your anxiety, try practicing your introduction and common interview questions with a friend or in front of a mirror. Aim for a balance between professionalism and authenticity—being yourself is key!
Good luck with your meeting, and remember, it’s a two-way conversation—you’re also assessing if the role and company are right for you! Plus, I love your positive note about lucky money; let that optimism shine through!