Check out Dean DaCosta’s Start.Me page—it’s a treasure trove of resources for recruiters!

For those unfamiliar with Dean, he’s a sourcing and Boolean expert, and he runs a fantastic site called The Sourcing Links, packed with valuable information (I won’t share the link due to rules).

To find Dean’s Start.Me page, simply search for “Dean Da Costa Start Me,” and you’ll see it pop up across the first page of results.

Dean has curated an extensive list of tools, software, Facebook pages, and other resources that every recruiter should have at their fingertips. He regularly updates this page and includes the dates for each update or addition.

If you haven’t heard of Start.Me yet, it’s a great platform! It’s free to use, and I use it as my homepage to organize all my bookmarks and frequently used sites. Many users, like Dean, share their pages, and you can easily copy sections to incorporate into your own Start.Me for quick access. I’ve saved several of Dean’s pages and even discovered a fantastic Start.Me created by someone focused on AI and ChatGPT, featuring loads of links on how-tos, prompt engineering, OpenAI API, and AI tool aggregators.

I’m not quite sure how to search for other Start.Me pages, but I’m sure there are plenty more out there that could benefit those in recruiting or business development/sales!