Unethical HR Managers

Recently, I had an unsettling experience with an HR director from a large company regarding a candidate I had placed with them. Here’s what happened: After discussing with the hiring manager, they confirmed they wanted to interview two candidates. I submitted one candidate’s CV, anonymized for confidentiality, and agreed to send the full CV if they were interested in proceeding.

Once they expressed interest, I set up the interview and confirmed the compensation rate with the HR Director, who also had the full CV and was aware of the terms before the interview took place. After the interview, they made an offer, and the candidate accepted it.

However, after everything was finalized, the HR Director tried to claim that they had already received the candidate’s CV from another source and that I was not authorized to work on the role. I was taken aback—this was a first for me in over 25 years in the industry! In response, I offered to resend the agreed-upon terms, as I was left shocked by this blatant attempt to pull a fast one and strong-arm a small business.

Fortunately, I have all the relevant emails, including her request for a discounted rate, which I agreed to, and her sending a full candidate specification for approval before the interview.

Has anyone else encountered something like this? I’m still reeling from the experience.
