Curious About the Recruitment Process: My Unexpected Experience

Hello everyone,

I’m seeking some clarity regarding my recent experience with a recruitment process, as I’m a bit puzzled about what’s happening.

I applied for two roles at a remote company. I received a rejection for one the very next day, but thankfully, I was invited for an interview for the second position, which I was excited about.

I went through three interviews, including a significant presentation that required a lot of time and research on my part. The last interview took place two weeks ago, and I felt it went reasonably well. I noticed that the hiring manager mentioned they were having difficulties with their recruitment, which I thought might work in my favor. During that interview, they told me to expect feedback by the end of last week, as there were still a few candidates to interview. That was perfectly fine with me.

Fast forward a week and a half, and I decided to send a polite follow-up email to the in-house recruiter, curious about when I might hear back. I noticed they were posting a lot of new job listings, which made me think they might be quite busy. Unfortunately, I didn’t receive a response. To top it off, the job advertisement I applied for was taken down shortly after, either just before or after my email.

Feeling a bit frustrated by the lack of communication, I reached out again yesterday, this time addressing the recruiter and the two managers I had interacted with throughout the process. It was a lengthy but polite email inquiring about an update and expressing my need for clarity since I was waiting on other job offers. I apologized for the follow-up, but my frustration was growing.

Still, no replies from any of the three recipients.

Then, late last night, I noticed that the job listing was reposted, albeit with a slightly altered title but otherwise identical.

Can anyone shed some light on this situation?

If I wasn’t selected, why not just send a rejection email? They appear to be using an applicant tracking system, so it shouldn’t be complicated.

If I was selected, what’s with the delay and the reposting of the position?

And if there’s something else going on, why no response from any of the three individuals I contacted?