How does LinkedIn’s Easy Apply feature work?

From my experience, my applications typically fall into three categories when using LinkedIn’s Easy Apply:

  • Application Submitted
  • Application Viewed
  • Resume Downloaded

However, the status of my applications seems to have little influence on whether I get contacted. I’ve had recruiters and hiring managers reach out while my application was still marked as “Application Submitted.” Conversely, there have been applications that were marked as viewed or had my resume downloaded, but I still haven’t heard back from anyone.

While I can understand that just because an application is viewed or my resume is downloaded doesn’t guarantee I’ll be contacted, I find the other scenario puzzling. How can recruiters determine that I’m a good fit without even looking at my application or downloading my resume? Is there a way for them to circumvent this process? Many of the recruiters I’ve spoken to seem to have seen my CV, but this isn’t reflected in the application status.