Struggling with cold calling
I started this entry-level corporate job two weeks ago after finishing college, and I’m feeling overwhelmed. I’m worried I might lose this opportunity. Today, every person I called either didn’t answer, went to voicemail, or hung up on me. I could really use some advice on what I’m doing wrong. Any tips?

It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re starting a new cold calling role, especially if it’s your first corporate job. Here are a few tips that might help you improve your success with cold calls:
Script Practice: Make sure you have a solid script prepared. Practice it until it feels natural. Understand your pitch inside and out so you can sound confident and engaging.
Timing: Try calling at different times of the day. Mornings and late afternoons might yield better responses than mid-day when people are often busy.
Target Audience: Ensure you’re calling the right people. Understand your target market and adjust your list accordingly.
Voicemail Skills: If you keep reaching voicemail, consider crafting a compelling voicemail message that encourages a callback. Keep it brief and include a reason for them to be interested in returning your call.
Stay Positive: Cold calling is tough, and rejection is part of the process. Focus on the numbers, and don’t take it personally. It may take time to see results.
Ask for Referrals: If you do reach someone but they aren’t interested, don’t hesitate to ask if they know someone who might be.
Feedback: Ask your manager or more experienced colleagues for feedback. They may have valuable insights or different techniques that work well.
Stay Organized: Keep track of your calls, responses, and any notes. This can help you follow up on leads and improve your approach.
Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Don’t get discouraged – keep pushing through, and you’ll find your rhythm! Good luck!