Year-End Motivation – Remember the “Brass Balls” Scene from Glengarry Glen Ross? Here’s the Recruiting Spin on It!
Why are you sitting there struggling with your calls, my friend? While you’re busy spending your lunch break Googling “how to connect with candidates,” I’m pulling up in a $70K Porsche Macan S! That’s my name you see driving by. What’s your name? It’s hoping—hoping you’ll make a placement, hoping your client answers your call, hoping your candidate won’t ghost you. In this recruitment game, if you can’t close, you’re not in the game at all.
Can’t land the client? Can’t find qualified candidates? Then go home, update your LinkedIn, and share your woes with your spouse.
There’s a single rule in this business: Get them to sign on the dotted line. You need to get both clients and candidates to commit. You hear me? A-B-C. A… Always, B… Be, C… Closing. Always. Be. CLOSING! Do you understand me?
Let’s break it down: A-I-D-A. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action.
Attention: Do I have your undivided attention? If I don’t, neither does the client when you call or the candidate when you pitch them.
Interest: Are they interested? Can you create that interest through your pitch? If not, NEXT CALL, or pack your things.
Decision: Have they decided to trust YOU and sign with us? If there’s no decision, guess what—no deal.
Action: Are you motivating them to ACT? Sealing that offer? If not, you’re just another recruiter treating this like a hobby.
Candidates and clients are out there eager to make a change and ready to PAY YOU to help solve their problems. Are you prepared to pick up the phone today and grab that opportunity? Do you have the resilience needed? If not, you might as well hit the road!
See this Rolex? This watch is worth more than your car. Last year, I earned $80,000 from just one commission. That’s on top of the $900,000 I made in total placements. How much did you earn? Sixty grand? Seventy? You see that’s who I am. And you? You are nothing.
A nice guy? I couldn’t care less. Do clients or candidates value “nice”? Let me clarify: your paycheck doesn’t care about niceties. Good parent? Wonderful! But if you want to succeed here, you need to CLOSE DEALS!
Think I’m being too intense? Consider this: you’re getting hung up on by hiring managers daily, ghosted by candidates weekly, having clients pressure you to lower fees even after they’ve seen your qualified candidates—THAT is real adversity. If you can’t handle this talk, the recruitment world will eat you alive. If you don’t like it, leave.
Complaining about poor leads or candidates? I could take the same “dead-end” lists you disdain and walk away tonight with five retainers. In just a few hours. Can you? Be honest. Can… YOU?
Here’s what this is really about: Go. And. Do. Likewise. A-I-D-A. Want to win? Get ANGRY! Get frustrated with your current situation. Want to know what it takes to close a client? To land a top-notch candidate? It takes BRASS BALLS to succeed in recruitment.
The money is out there. The placements, retainers, and commissions are ripe for the picking. Want it? Pick up the phone. Grab it, or pack your bags. You close the job orders and land the hires—guess what? That money is yours. If you don’t, the person next to you will seize those leads and leave you in the dust.
Want to waste your evenings sipping wine or chatting with a group of recruiters complaining about how tough this business is? Think, “I used to be a recruiter—it’s a difficult industry”? That’s just an excuse. Either you close deals, or you’re out.
These are the leads. The top-tier job orders, the elite candidate pipelines. To you? They’re gold… but you won’t touch them. You’re putting these opportunities in the hands of someone who won’t close—like flushing them down the toilet. I give leads to closers because they earn them. Not a closer? Guess what? No leads. NOT A CHANCE.
I’d wish you luck, but let’s be honest—luck means nothing to those who fail.
Wow, what a passionate take on recruitment! This post definitely captures the intensity and urgency that comes with the pressure of making placements. The energy in this message challenges all recruiters to step up their game and embrace the grind. It’s a tough industry, and the reality is that only those who are truly committed will succeed.
I appreciate the breakdown of A-I-D-A—it’s a useful framework for anyone in sales or recruitment. It really emphasizes that it’s not just about making calls; it’s about making meaningful connections and driving results. If you want to thrive in this business, you’ve got to be relentless and willing to hustle.
For anyone feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, this is a wake-up call. Sure, it can be tough, but the rewards are out there for those willing to put in the effort. Let’s get out there and close some deals! 💪