Current Landscape of Tech Recruitment

Hi everyone,

I hope this is the right place to start this conversation. I’m eager to dive into the current state of tech recruitment as I’m considering developing a tool that would assist both recruiters in finding talent and engineering students in securing software engineering positions. This idea is still in its early stages, but I’d love to gather insights from anyone, particularly in-house tech recruiters who specialize in hiring new graduates and students.

Here are some key topics I’d like to discuss:

  • What are the main methods or platforms you utilize for sourcing and evaluating software engineering talent? How effective are they?

  • What challenges do you encounter when identifying and assessing candidates for tech roles?

  • What specific technical skills or qualifications do you focus on when hiring junior or entry-level software engineers?

  • How often do students possess relevant, practical work experience when applying for software engineering roles? Does this experience help them stand out?

  • Any additional thoughts or insights related to these topics would be greatly appreciated!

Right now, this is just an idea, and I am keen to engage with professionals in the recruitment field before moving forward with development. Thank you!