Task Force Payments for the Hospitality Sector
I’m launching a recruiting business tailored for the hospitality industry, and I have the chance to supply interim, contract task force managers to a property that requires assistance.
I need some guidance on how to discuss fees for these positions with the property owner.
Should I receive payment directly from the property and then handle the compensation for the contract managers myself?
Or would it be better for the property to pay the contract managers directly, while I collect a fee for my services in finding them?
Does anyone have experience with this model?
Hi Jonathan,
That sounds like a great opportunity! When it comes to discussing fees for contract task force managers, there are a couple of common approaches you could consider:
You Handle Payments: In this model, the property would pay you directly, and you would then pay the contract managers. This allows you to have more control over the selection and payment process, and you can bundle your fee into the overall charge to the property. However, it does require you to manage the payroll for the managers.
Property Pays Managers Directly: In this approach, the property would pay the task force managers directly, and then they would pay you a fee for your recruiting services. This can simplify your cash flow since you won’t have to manage payments to the contracts directly. However, there might be more negotiation involved to reach an agreement on your fee.
Ultimately, the best approach can depend on the specifics of the relationship you have with the property, the scope of the work involved, and how you plan to position your services. Whichever route you choose, be sure to clearly outline the services you’re providing and the corresponding fees in your agreement.
It might be beneficial to discuss both options with the property and see which they would prefer, as this can help you tailor your offering to their needs. Good luck with your new venture!
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