Strange Interview Practices or Am I the Problem?

I recently had an interview for a role that left me feeling frustrated and disheartened. A well-known international organization reached out to me unexpectedly on LinkedIn, even though I hadn’t applied for the position. Unfortunately, there were some miscommunications with the recruiter. For instance, they failed to clarify that there were two separate calls for the interview, which caused me to miss the second one initially and required me to reschedule. When I brought this up, the recruiter placed the blame on me but assured me they were still interested in moving forward.

During the first of the two final round interviews, I was taken aback when the interviewer immediately announced that they would need to cancel the second interview scheduled for the following day, without any explanation. This made me feel as if a decision had already been made before I had the opportunity to present myself. Nevertheless, she continued to ask me questions for the next hour.

Two hours later, I received an email stating that, although the interviewer had given positive feedback, they had chosen to move forward with another candidate. They also expressed interest in keeping me in mind for future opportunities. I was left feeling confused and disappointed, especially since I received no specific feedback—just a vague mention of “positive feedback.” I couldn’t help but wonder if this was merely a polite formality.

It felt disrespectful, as it seemed the decision had already been made before I even had a chance to participate fully in the interview. I kept second-guessing myself, thinking that I might have been able to change their minds during the call. However, it appeared that their decision was set. Not having the chance to complete or close the conversation left me feeling that my time was wasted and that I hadn’t been able to express myself fully.

Additionally, I was informed that the salary would be $30,000-$40,000 less than initially discussed, which heightened my sense of being misled. Throughout this process, the recruiter misspelled my name twice and sent multiple communications with typos, which felt careless and contributed to a lack of professionalism. They also requested a last-minute call to discuss the budget reduction and its impact on salary, calling me 24 hours earlier than my stated availability.

All of this has led me to question the company’s process and their overall handling of the situation. I feel disrespected and like my time was undervalued. The entire experience has left me feeling like a failure, even though I realize the decision likely wasn’t a reflection of my abilities. I can’t shake the feeling that had I been given a fair chance, I could have done better.

I’ve been in my career for three years and have been fortunate to receive offers after each interview, which might leave me somewhat naïve to these realities.

Is this a common occurrence in the interview process? Is this more of an issue with me, or with the company itself?