Recommendations for High-Volume Interview Booking Software?

I’m looking for suggestions for interview scheduling software that can handle our high volume of bookings. So far, I’ve explored Zoom Scheduler, MS Bookings, Calendly, and Hubspot (which serves as our CRM and de facto ATS). However, I haven’t found a solution that fully meets our needs. I would appreciate any recommendations based on your experiences, including the pros and cons, to help us streamline the scheduling process.

A bit of context:

  • We conduct between 700 and 950 interviews each year, averaging 10 to 60 interviews per week over 38 weeks.
  • Our interviews aren’t scheduled on a regular basis, and the interview panels (typically consisting of two members) vary by the day and time. Staff members are brought in based on their expertise related to specific candidates, and the HR support person may also change depending on the time of day, as our small team wears multiple hats.

Last year, I manually scheduled 750 interviews, and I would love to reclaim that time for this upcoming cycle. What I’m ideally looking for is a tool that allows me to provide candidates with a booking page featuring specific time slots on designated days. I’d also like the flexibility to either assign interview panel members by day/time or to add them manually after the interview has been booked, though the latter is less appealing.

From my observations with the tools I’ve tried, the booking pages seem to either require consistent teams or work on a set rotation for random distribution.

Is there a tool—either one I’ve mentioned or another option—that allows candidates to easily select their time slot while also enabling me to adjust the panel members as needed? Thank you in advance for your help!