Hiring on Hold After Receiving Job Offer

I was thrilled to receive a written offer letter for a position I was really excited about. After getting the offer, there were several items that needed negotiation, including the start date and bonus details. References were successfully completed, and I was informed that I would receive an updated offer soon. I was advised not to notify my current employer until all conditions of the offer were finalized.

However, a few weeks passed, including the original start date from the initial offer. When I followed up, I was informed that, due to various operational reasons, they needed to pause the hiring process. They expressed disappointment, stating that I was a great candidate.

Has anyone else faced a similar situation? I’m genuinely interested in the role and am considering reaching out in a few months to see if the hiring process might resume. I did let them know in my response that I remain interested for the future. How long do you think I should wait before following up, and have any of you successfully navigated a situation like this? Did it lead to a job offer later on?