What methods can I use to assess teamwork in a high-pressure scenario? Could you recommend a specific game or activity for this purpose?

What methods can I use to assess teamwork in a high-pressure scenario? Could you recommend a specific game or activity for this purpose?
Measuring teamwork in high-pressure situations can be quite insightful, and there are several games and activities designed specifically for this purpose. One effective option is the “Escape Room” challenge.
Escape Room Challenge
Participants are placed in a themed room and must solve puzzles and find clues within a set timeframe (often 60 minutes) to “escape” or complete a specific objective. This activity fosters collaboration, communication, and problem-solving under pressure.
How to Implement:
1. Select a Venue or Create Your Own Escape Room: You can either go to a professional escape room facility or set one up in your own space using puzzles and clues designed around your organizational goals or themes.
Form Teams: Divide participants into small teams (4-6 people) to ensure everyone has a role and can participate actively.
Set a Timer: The time constraint adds pressure, mimicking high-stress situations.
Debriefing Session: After the activity, hold a debrief discussion where you can analyze teamwork dynamics. Ask questions such as:
What to Measure:
– Communication: Observe how effectively team members share information and coordinate tasks.
– Role Assignment: Notice if team members take on specific roles (leader, organizer, encourager) and how those roles change.
– Problem-Solving: Assess how the team navigates challenges and setbacks during the game.
– Time Management: Evaluate how well they utilize the set time to complete tasks.
Other Alternative Activities:
Survival Scenario: Present the team with a survival scenario (e.g., stranded on an island) and have them rank items based on importance. This encourages debate and prioritization under pressure.
Team Sports or Relay Races: Engage teams in a sport or relay where strategy, communication, and trust are key components for success.
Tower Building Challenge: Provide teams with limited materials (e.g., spaghetti and marshmallows) to build the tallest tower within a strict time limit. This fosters creativity and collaboration.
By using these activities, you can gain valuable insights into how your team functions under pressure and what areas you may need to focus on for improvement.