I thought this was Reddit, not LinkedIn. I’m glad to see this subreddit bouncing back after a phase dominated by spam and unrelated content, particularly all the clan stuff.

However, I’ve noticed a significant increase in posts where people are promoting their questionable businesses or ideas in what feels like a sales pitch. I wasn’t aware that was allowed here, and it definitely seems to contradict the subreddit’s rules. Additionally, some of the recruitment practices being suggested are pretty terrible and might even cross into illegal territory—though that’s a separate issue.

Is this subreddit on a downward spiral again? How many active moderators do we have? Are we still adhering to the rules? I know u/chazman69 is around and engaged, but I realize they can’t manage everything single-handedly.

I’m not sure why I felt compelled to write this—it’s probably just a rant or an invitation for a discussion about where this sub is headed.

I’d be happy to lend a hand if needed; with nearly 10k members here, I’m sure others would be willing to pitch in as well.

Honestly, we could use more lighthearted, entertaining content like Ed Hunter’s posts, and less of Oleg Vishnepolsky pushing yet another AI-driven CV screening tool that seems like complete nonsense.

What do you think?