Subject: Seeking Guidance on Indeed’s New Paid Listings Policy

Hi everyone,

I’m reaching out for some advice regarding Indeed’s recent decision to eliminate free listings for agencies. I work at a small agency that has relied on Indeed for several years, and we’ve just been informed by our ATS that starting next week, this change will take effect.

I’m at a crossroads on how to approach this situation. Currently, Indeed accounts for about 40% of our applicants and nearly 20% of our placements. While the volume is significant, we also receive a high number of unqualified applications through the platform. This makes it challenging to decide whether we should invest in paid listings or explore other options.

I’ve come across various accounts of budgets getting depleted without satisfactory results, and we’ve encountered similar issues with our Google and Facebook ads.

For context, we typically allocate around $20,000 annually to a local job board, which delivers a strong conversion rate and effectively supports our specialized roles. Most of our general roles are filled through a combination of free listings on Indeed, LinkedIn, and our own website. My concern is that if we shift to Indeed, we might end up consuming our entire budget without seeing a comparable return.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences you could share regarding this situation. Thank you!