Looking for Job Posting Volume Tools
Does anyone know of a website or intelligence software that allows me to search based on the number of job postings? I’m looking specifically for tools that can provide insights into either LinkedIn or Google-indexed jobs.
To clarify, I can already use LinkedIn to check a specific company’s job listings. What I’m aiming for is a way to run a search that shows me, for example, Company X with 20 open positions and Company Y with 35. Any suggestions?
There are a few tools and platforms that might help you achieve what you’re looking for in tracking job postings by company volume:
LinkedIn Talent Insights: This is a premium product from LinkedIn that offers analytics related to talent, including the number of job postings by company. It’s particularly useful for recruiting and market analysis.
Indeed Hiring Lab: While it doesn’t provide a direct count of job postings by company, it has a wealth of labor market research and insights that can help gauge trends in hiring across various companies.
Glassdoor: Similar to LinkedIn, you can search for specific companies and see how many jobs they have posted recently. However, it may not give a comparative view across multiple companies at once.
Job Analytics Tools: Platforms like Burning Glass Technologies or LinkedIn Jobs Insights provide analytics on job postings and could potentially meet your needs. They may require a subscription, but they offer deep insights into job market trends, including job posting volumes by company.
Web Scraping: If you have some technical skills, you could also consider building a web scraper that collects job posting data from LinkedIn and Google. This method requires more effort and adherence to terms of use but can be tailored to your exact needs.
Google for Jobs: Although not a dedicated analytics platform, you can leverage Google search queries to find job postings for specific companies. You might not get a clear count, but it can aid in your research.
If you are looking for a simple solution without much investment, I’d recommend starting with LinkedIn and Glassdoor. For a more data-driven approach, consider exploring LinkedIn Talent Insights or other job analytics tools.