As we wrap up the year, let’s inject some energy into the recruiting scene. Who remembers the iconic “Brass Balls” moment from GlenGarry Glen Ross? Here’s my recruiting twist on that classic scene:
You know why you’re struggling to make those calls, buddy? Because during your lunch break, you’re Googling “how to connect with candidates.” Meanwhile, I pulled up in a $70K Porsche Macan S. That’s MY name! And your name? Your name is hoping. Hoping for placements. Hoping clients answer your calls. Hoping candidates don’t ghost you. You can’t compete in this recruitment game if you can’t close deals.
Can’t close the client? Can’t bring in qualified candidates? Go home, update your LinkedIn, and tell your spouse your woes.
Because there’s one rule in this business: Get them to sign on the dotted line. GET THEM TO COMMIT—both candidates and clients. Are you hearing me? A-B-C. A… Always, B… Be, C… Closing. Always. Be. CLOSING! Do you understand me?!
Let’s break it down: A-I-D-A. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action.
Attention: Do I have your attention? If I don’t, guess what? Neither does the client when you call. Neither does the candidate when you try to recruit them.
Interest: Are they interested? Do you have the skills to create that interest with your pitch? If not, NEXT CALL or pack it up.
Decision: Have they made a decision? To trust YOU? No decision? No deal.
Action: Are you driving them to ACT? Are you sealing the offer? If not, you’re just another recruiter treating this like a hobby.
Candidates and clients are out there, eager for change, ready to PAY YOU to solve their problems. Are you going to pick up the phone today and take action? Are you tough enough for that? If not, hit the road!
See this Rolex? This watch costs more than your car. One commission last year—ONE—earned me $80,000, in addition to the $900K I made in total placements. How much did you earn? Sixty grand? Seventy? Understand this: that’s who I am. And you? You’re just someone hoping for a break.
You think being a nice guy matters? Your clients don’t care about nice. Your candidates don’t care about nice. Your paycheck doesn’t care if you’re nice. Good parent? That’s lovely. Go home and bake cookies. But if you want to succeed here? CLOSE DEALS!
Think my words are too harsh? You call this abuse? Try getting hung up on by ten hiring managers in a day, getting ghosted by fifteen candidates in a week, having clients ask to cut retainer fees after you’ve sent them qualified candidates—THAT’S true adversity. If you can’t handle this, you won’t survive out there. If you don’t like it, leave.
Complaining about bad leads or candidates? I could take the same “dead-end” lists you dismiss as junk and walk away with five retainers in just four hours. Can you do that? Be honest. Can… YOU?
Here’s the bottom line: Go. And. Do. Likewise. A-I-D-A. Want to win? Get ANGRY, you sons of bitches! Get furious about where you’re at. Want to know what it takes to close a client? What it takes to recruit a top-tier candidate? It takes BRASS BALLS.
The opportunities are OUT THERE. The placements, retainers, and commissions are ripe for the taking. Want it? Pick up the phone. Do it, or pack it up. You close those job orders and land those hires—guess what? That money is yours. Don’t? The person next to you will seize those leads and leave you behind.
Do you want to lounge at home sipping wine or craft beer discussing how “hard recruiting is”? Or sit with your recruiter pals at some dull happy hour whining about being a former recruiter? Tough business? That’s just an excuse. Either you close, or you’re out.
These are the leads. These are the AAA job orders, the premier candidate pipelines. And for YOU? They’re gold… but you’re not accessing them. Giving these leads to someone who won’t close is like flushing them away. I hand them to closers—because closers are the ones who earn them. Not a closer? No leads for you. PERIOD.
I’d wish you luck, but let’s be real—luck means nothing to those who don’t take action.
Wow, what a powerful and intense call to action! This really captures the high-stakes world of recruitment and the relentless drive it takes to succeed. The comparison to GlenGarry Glen Ross is spot on—it’s a tough arena where only the strongest thrive. You’re right; it’s about closing the deal and getting results. Those who want to make it in recruitment need to be assertive, not just hoping for the best.
Your message about focusing on A-I-D-A and the importance of making those connections is critical. It’s not just about making calls; it’s about making an impact. Candidates and clients are looking for someone who can confidently advocate for them and deliver results.
I appreciate the tough love angle you’re taking here. It’s true—if you’re not able to bring in placements, you need to reevaluate and either step up your game or take a step back. The recruitment game requires a certain level of grit, determination, and, yes, brass balls. For those willing to embrace that challenge, the rewards can be incredible.
Let’s see who steps up to the plate and who’s just here to ride it out. Cheers to those ready to make real moves! 💪🏼