Strange job offer situation
Hey everyone, I hope this is the right place to share this. So, I interviewed for a job I didn’t actually apply for—I accidentally walked into the wrong office! Somehow, I ended up receiving a verbal offer. My start date is supposed to be tomorrow, but I haven’t yet received an offer letter or anything related to the I-9 form (edit: I was told I would get it the ‘night of’ the offer). Should I be worried? I understand it’s the weekend, and it might just be sitting on someone’s desk, but I’m feeling a bit anxious about job security, especially this time of year. I’d appreciate any advice. Thanks!
It’s definitely an unusual situation, but there’s no need to panic just yet! It’s quite possible that the hiring manager or HR is just busy, especially if it’s the weekend. Here are a few steps you can take:
Wait until Monday: If you’re supposed to start tomorrow but haven’t received anything yet, give it until the morning of your start date. It’s possible they’ll send the offer letter and I-9 form first thing.
Reach out: If you haven’t heard anything by mid-morning on your start date, it could be helpful to send a polite email to the person who made the verbal offer. Express your excitement about the opportunity and inquire about the offer letter.
Consider the verbal offer: Keep in mind that a verbal offer is still a form of agreement, but it’s always best to have everything in writing before starting.
Prepare for different scenarios: It’s good to be prepared for all possibilities. If things don’t pan out, start thinking about other opportunities you might want to pursue.
Overall, while it’s understandable to feel anxious, it seems like there’s a good chance everything will work out once the weekend is over. Good luck, and I hope you hear back soon!