Are Recruiters Leveraging AI for LinkedIn Automation?

Hello everyone,

I’m eager to hear how many of you are utilizing AI and automation tools in your recruitment efforts, particularly on LinkedIn. With all the buzz about AI revolutionizing various sectors, I’m curious if it has found a place in our daily tasks, such as candidate sourcing and engagement.

Are any of you implementing AI-driven software for automating LinkedIn outreach, sourcing candidates, or even screening? If so, which tools are you using, and how have they influenced your workflow? Have you observed any notable improvements in efficiency, or faced any challenges along the way?

I’m especially keen to learn about specific AI tools that have significantly impacted your processes. Additionally, how do you maintain a personal touch in your communications with candidates while using automation?

One popular platform here in the Netherlands is SourceGeek.

I’m looking forward to hearing your insights and any recommendations you might share!

Thank you!