Contractor Accountability
Hey experienced recruiters, I’d love your insights! I’m currently working as a contractor and recently went through an extensive search to find the ideal candidate for a position. After making the offer, the HR manager stepped in, but it’s been 2.5 weeks and the candidate still hasn’t officially signed on. I’m curious—at what point does a recruiter’s responsibility conclude? If the candidate ultimately doesn’t sign, can that be attributed to the recruiter’s efforts?
It’s great that you’re seeking clarity on the recruiter’s role in the hiring process! Generally, a recruiter’s responsibility ends once the candidate has accepted the offer and all necessary documentation is completed. However, communication is key throughout the process. If the HR manager is handling the offer, it’s wise for the recruiter to stay in the loop and maintain a supportive role, addressing any concerns from the candidate that may arise during this stage.
If the candidate hasn’t signed yet, it may not be directly the recruiter’s fault, as external factors can come into play—like compensation negotiations, benefits discussions, or personal circumstances. It’s beneficial for the recruiter to follow up with both the candidate and the HR team to determine any potential roadblocks and ensure the process continues smoothly. Ultimately, collaboration between the recruiter and HR can help expedite the signing process and keep the candidate engaged.