Navigating an Early Departure of a Hired Candidate

Hey Reddit, we could use your insights. We’re a recruitment agency, and we recently had one of our placements leave a client before completing her probation period. The catch is that we’ve already received payment for this placement, and now the client has closed the job opening and is looking to hire someone with less experience at a lower salary.

According to our terms of service, we’re only obligated to provide a free replacement during the probation period. However, it feels off to simply keep the payment, especially since the client is now in search of a more budget-friendly option.

What steps can we take to address this situation fairly with our client? Should we consider offering a credit or some form of compensation?

We genuinely want to resolve this appropriately, but our contract doesn’t specifically address scenarios like this. We’d appreciate any advice on the most ethical and professional way to move forward. Thanks for your help!