How does LinkedIn Easy Apply actually work?

From my experience, my applications typically fall into three categories when using LinkedIn’s Easy Apply feature:

  • Application Submitted
  • Application Viewed
  • Resume Downloaded

Interestingly, the likelihood of being contacted seems largely independent of these application statuses. I’ve had both recruiters and hiring managers reach out to me while my application still shows as “Application Submitted,” and conversely, there have been instances where my application was marked as viewed or my resume was downloaded, yet I received no follow-up.

I can understand the latter—just because someone views my application or downloads my resume doesn’t guarantee they’ll reach out. What puzzles me more is the former. How can they consider me a match if they haven’t even viewed my application or downloaded my CV? Is there a way for them to evaluate candidates without accessing this information? I suspect many recruiters I’ve spoken with have viewed my CV, but that doesn’t seem to be reflected in the application status.