Is Speculative CV Submission a Thing of the Past?

I’ve heard from several recruiters that speculative CVs are no longer relevant, but I have to disagree.

While sending out generic speculative CVs may feel like a waste of time, there are circumstances where it can still be beneficial:

  1. If you’re aware of a specific position that needs filling,
  2. If you know someone who would be an excellent fit,
  3. And if you can concisely convey this in a brief message,

Then the only potential drawback is the fee.

Yes, that downside can be significant… but if a hiring manager has been struggling to fill a position, they may indeed be open to considering it.

Many of my clients have shared that they would be willing to review a speculative CV if it aligns perfectly with what they’re looking for.

What are your thoughts? Are speculative CVs truly outdated?