Seeking Recruiters Experienced in AI Recruitment
Hello everyone! I hope this post finds you well.
I’m currently researching the implementation of AI in recruitment for my graduation thesis, specifically focusing on “The Effectiveness of AI in Reducing Recruitment Bias.” Given the wealth of knowledge within this community, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect with anyone who has expertise in this field. Your insights would be invaluable for my research.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide. If this post isn’t suited for this community, please let me know, and I will gladly remove it.
Hi there! Your post is highly relevant, especially given the increasing intersection of AI and recruitment. I’d be happy to chat with you about your thesis topic and share insights on how AI can help mitigate recruitment bias. There are several approaches being taken in this space, from bias detection algorithms to AI-driven decision-making frameworks.
Feel free to message me directly, or if anyone else in the community has experience in AI recruitment and is willing to share their insights, I’m sure they’d be pleased to help as well! Good luck with your research!