Looking for tips on nurse recruitment?

I recently worked on filling an OR charge nurse position in Houston, Texas, with a client budget of $115,000. I presented a strong candidate who held a CNOR certification. The client liked him and offered $110,000, but the candidate ultimately declined the offer.

His reasoning? While the new role was for 36 hours, he was currently working 40 hours and earning $105,000. He felt that if his responsibilities were increasing, his salary should reflect that change. A mere $5,000 raise didn’t justify a job switch for him.

After the rejection, I spoke with HR, who explained that nurse salaries are typically tied to years of experience, categorized as follows: 1-3, 3-5, 5-7, and 7-10 years. They mentioned that salaries can’t exceed these established ranges based on experience.

As a recruiter, I find it puzzling that otherwise qualified candidates can be overlooked due to these experience brackets, especially after successfully passing multiple interview rounds. I also learned that nurse salaries are often influenced by unions in various states.

What strategies can we adopt as recruiters to navigate situations like this?