Considering Quitting Before a Write-Up?

I work in the auto loan refinance sector and I sense that I’m likely to receive a performance write-up this month. I’ve been with my company for over two years and have never faced a write-up before. Recently, the company has gone through extensive changes, impacting everything from how we manage clients to the criteria for poor performance write-ups. Just a month or two ago, I was regarded as a slightly above-average salesperson, but the new expectations have left me struggling to keep up.

During my job search, I recall that many employers ask if you’ve been written up in the last few months. Do companies actually verify this information if you claim you haven’t been written up? Is that even lawful? I’m based in Colorado, and I’ve heard that the hiring company’s HR can only gather basic info like your employment dates and whether you were terminated or resigned, possibly whether you gave two weeks’ notice. So, I’m in the position where I can truthfully say I haven’t been written up, but I won’t be able to give two weeks’ notice before leaving.

If I decide to leave my current position, what do you all think is the best course of action? Should I resign before signing any documents related to a write-up? Or would it be wiser to accept the write-up and then provide two weeks’ notice afterward? How can I best protect myself during the job search? I appreciate any advice you can offer as I navigate this challenging situation. Thank you!