Dealing with Unreliable Recruiters: My New Strategy

In the modern job market, interacting with recruiters is a common part of the process. Unfortunately, I’ve recently had the rather unenviable experience of dealing with those who fail to show up for scheduled calls. It’s frustrating to have a recruiter reach out, arrange a call for the next day, and then simply vanish into thin air when the appointment arrives.

To manage this issue, I’ve started maintaining an organized list of those who’ve left me hanging. These contacts are now blocked to ensure I no longer waste time on unproductive communication. Blocking their numbers might seem a bit drastic to some, but it’s important to protect my time and energy.

There’s something deeply unsatisfying about being treated like a checkbox in someone’s cold call quota or feeling like my time didn’t matter. The current standards of professional etiquette in this space are startlingly low, and I can only hope those who practice such disregard eventually face the consequences. Ideally, the professional world will regain its respect for others’ time and efforts. After all, everyone deserves a fair level of courtesy and commitment in their professional interactions.