Seeking Advice on ATS for In-House Recruitment

Hello everyone,

I could really use your insights! I’ve recently had several demos with different Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), but I’m still struggling to find a solution that meets my needs.

Here’s the situation: I just want to post a job, have it automatically shared on Indeed, and receive applications directly within the ATS. I was informed by Loxo’s chatbot that I would need to manually forward each application via email. That can’t be right, can it? My goal isn’t to source candidates but simply to import those who apply. If the system can intelligently sort through them, even better.

I’m working solo for a company with around 400 employees. We’re not a recruitment agency, and this is for our internal hires. We frequently post roles for caregivers and cleaners, often receiving around 600 applications per listing, with many being irrelevant. I need a more efficient way to manage this influx of applications.

Every ATS I’ve seen seems focused on talent sourcing, but that’s not what I need. Tools like LinkedIn and talent sourcing won’t help in my situation.

Unfortunately, I have no experience in this area, and no one in our business does either. Right now, we’re just using Indeed and handling everything manually.

Any recommendations or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!