Dean DaCosta’s Start.Me page is a goldmine of resources for recruiters. If you’re not already acquainted with Dean, he’s a sourcing and Boolean search expert, and he maintains a fantastic resource website called The Sourcing Links (I won’t provide a link, as it goes against the rules).

To find Dean’s Start.Me page, simply search for “dean da costa ssar,” and it should appear on the first page of your Search Results.

Dean has curated an extensive collection of tools, software, Facebook groups, and more that recruiters can utilize. He also keeps it up-to-date, posting the dates when he adds or modifies links.

If you haven’t checked out yet, it’s a fantastic tool. It’s free, and I use it as my homepage to organize all my bookmarks and frequently used sites. Many users, including Dean, share their pages, allowing you to easily copy sections or entire pages for your own reference. I’ve saved a few of Dean’s pages, along with an impressive created by someone focusing entirely on AI, ChatGPT, and NLM resources, which includes a wealth of links to guides, prompt engineering tips, the OpenAI API, AI tool aggregators, and more.

I’m not quite sure how to search for other Start.Me pages, but I’m sure there are many additional pages out there that would be beneficial for recruiters and professionals in business development and sales.