How do you manage situations where a client shares your candidate’s information with another company?
I recently had a candidate who made it to the final two for a position with my client. In the end, they opted for someone else, but they informed my candidate that they would be sharing their information with other hiring agencies.
While this could lead to new opportunities for my candidate, it ends up putting me in a difficult position.
I’m considering revising my client contract to address this issue. How do you approach situations like this?
It’s definitely a tricky situation when clients share candidate information without your consent. Here are some steps you can consider taking:
Review Your Contract: As you mentioned, updating your client contract is a good idea. Make sure it clearly outlines confidentiality regarding candidate information and the consequences of sharing it with third parties without your permission.
Communication with Clients: Establish a clear line of communication with your client regarding candidate information. You might want to have a conversation about the importance of maintaining confidentiality and how it impacts your business.
Educate Clients: Help your clients understand the value you bring to the table. By sharing candidate information, they might undermine your role in the recruitment process, which could deter you from investing time and resources in finding the right candidates for them in the future.
Build Relationships: Strengthen your relationship with your clients by highlighting the benefits of working exclusively with you when it comes to candidate sourcing. This may encourage them to think twice before sharing information with others.
Be Transparent with Candidates: Inform your candidates that while it’s great they want to explore other opportunities, you’d appreciate it if they could let you know about any interactions. This way, you can help them in their job search and maintain a good relationship.
Have a Non-Circumvention Agreement: If it becomes a recurring issue, consider having candidates sign a non-circumvention agreement, which ensures they won’t pursue opportunities presented by your clients without your involvement.
Network with Other Recruiters: Stay connected with other recruiters and industry professionals. If your candidate ends up working with another agency, you can potentially form alliances where you can both share leads and respect confidentiality.
Ultimately, maintaining clear expectations and an open dialogue with clients and candidates is key to navigating this kind of scenario. Good luck!