Starting a Direct Hire Agency – Seeking Advice (CAD/US)

Hello everyone,

I’m excited to share that I’m launching my own direct hire agency in Canada! With 7-8 years of experience in professional staffing, I feel confident navigating this industry and I’m fully informed on the new licensing regulations coming into play in Canada for 2023/2024.

At this stage, I’m focusing solely on direct hire placements and I’m aiming for a target of over $500k to $1M in revenue before considering temporary or contract work. It’s an ambitious goal, but I believe it’s achievable. Once I establish my business in a couple of years, I’ll look into capital loans and grants.

I’d love to tap into the community’s knowledge regarding direct hire placements in the U.S. Is it as straightforward as it is in Canada? Usually, it just involves a master search agreement and the client handles the offer—sometimes requiring some negotiation on fees over time.

I am aware that healthcare placements in the U.S. require compliance with HIPAA, but my focus is on back-office IT and tech roles, along with the occasional go-to-market position.

Any advice or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! 🙂