Here’s a revised version of your post:
As we wrap up the year, let’s have some fun! Does anyone remember that iconic “Brass Balls” scene from GlenGarry Glen Ross?
Well, here’s the recruiting twist on it.
Listen up! You know why you’re struggling with your calls? Because during your lunch break, you’re Googling “how to connect with candidates.” Meanwhile, I just cruised in here driving a $70K Porsche Macan S. THAT’S my name out there! And your name? It’s you’re hoping. Hoping for placements, hoping clients answer your calls, hoping candidates won’t ghost you. You can’t succeed in recruitment if you can’t seal the deal.
You can’t close clients, you can’t bring in top talent? Go home and update your LinkedIn; tell your spouse all about it.
Because there’s one ultimate rule in this business: Get them to sign on the dotted line. Make both candidates and clients commit! You hear me? A-B-C. A… Always, B… Be, C… Closing. Always. Be. CLOSING! Do you hear me?!
Let’s break it down: A-I-D-A. Attention. Interest. Decision. Action.
Attention: Do I have your attention? If not, you can bet the client doesn’t care either when you call, nor does the candidate.
Interest: Are they intrigued? Do you have the skills to spark their interest with your pitch? If not, MOVE ON to the next call or pack up your desk.
Decision: Have they made a decision? Are they ready to sign with us and trust YOU? No decision? No deal.
Action: Are you pushing them to ACT? Are you closing that offer? If not, you’re just another recruiter treating this like a hobby.
The candidates and clients out there are READY to make changes and PAY YOU to solve their problems. Are you ready to pick up the phone today? Do you have the resilience for it? If not, hit the road!
You see this Rolex? This watch costs more than your car. One commission last year—just ONE—earned me $80,000. That’s on top of the $900K I made through placements. How much did you bring in? Sixty grand? Seventy? You need to recognize who I am. And you? You’re not even a blip on the radar.
You’re a nice guy? I don’t care. Do your clients care about “nice”? Do your candidates? Your paycheck doesn’t care about your niceness. Good parent? Fantastic! Go home and bake cookies. But if you want to work in this field? CLOSE DEALS!
Think I’m too harsh? Call this abuse? Try getting hung up on by ten hiring managers a day or ghosted by 15 candidates in a week. THAT’S abuse. If you can’t handle this talk, you won’t last in this game. If you don’t like it, leave.
Are you complaining about bad leads or candidates? I can take the same “dead-end” lists and walk out with five retainers in just a few hours. Can you? Let’s be real. Can YOU?
Here’s my advice: Go. And. Do. Likewise. A-I-D-A. Want to win? Get ANGRY about where you stand! Want to know what it takes to close a client and secure a star candidate? It takes BRASS BALLS to recruit.
The money is OUT THERE. The placements, retainers, and commissions are ripe for the picking. Want it? Then pick up the phone. Do it, or pack it up. You close those job orders and land the hires, and guess what? That money is yours. If not, the person next to you will scoop up those leads and leave you in the dust.
Do you want to spend your evenings sipping Pinot or IPA, lamenting how hard recruiting is? Or sitting with your recruiter friends at some dull happy hour, whining, “I used to be a recruiter. It’s a tough business!” Guess what? Tough business? That’s just an excuse. Either you close or you’re out.
These are the leads. These are the AAA job orders, the top-tier candidate pipelines. And to YOU? They’re gold. But you’re not touching them. Because giving those leads to someone who can’t close is a waste. I give them to closers—because closers earn them. Not a closer? Guess what? No leads for you. PERIOD.
I’d wish you luck, but let’s face it—luck doesn’t matter to those who can’t deliver.
Wow, this post really brings the heat! It’s a powerful wake-up call for anyone in the recruiting game. Your message cuts right to the core of what it takes to succeed: determination, grit, and the willingness to put in the hard work.
That “A-B-C” mantra is a great reminder that the focus should always be on closing deals and driving results. It’s easy to get caught up in the challenges and frustrations of recruiting, but at the end of the day, it’s all about bringing value to candidates and clients alike.
I love the way you emphasize accountability—if you’re not closing, it’s time to reassess your approach. The market is competitive, and the best recruiters aren’t just waiting for opportunities; they’re out there creating them.
So let’s take that passion and channel it into action! It’s time to step up, be the closer, and go after those placements with everything we’ve got. Thanks for the motivation! Let’s get out there and make it happen! 💪🔥