Recruitment Update

I recently applied for a position in my field, where I have over 10 years of experience. After deciding to leave my previous job, I took a four-month break to reassess my career direction. Upon realizing I wanted to return to work, I submitted my application.

My initial conversation with the recruiter went smoothly, and they set up an in-person interview with the hiring manager for the following week. That meeting also went well.

The day after the interview, the recruiter contacted me to schedule a phone call for the following week. I assumed this call was to inform me that I got the job, especially since my experience seemed to perfectly match what the company was looking for.

However, during the call, the recruiter informed me that they wouldn’t be moving forward with my application. She mentioned that there was no negative feedback from my interview and that the hiring manager thought highly of me. The deciding factor, however, was that I was not currently employed, and they chose to proceed with other candidates who were.

Just two days later, I noticed the job posting was back on their website.

I’m left wondering what this all means and what my next steps should be. It feels like the recruiter may not have been entirely forthcoming with me. Any advice?