Check out Dean DaCosta’s Start.Me page for a wealth of information tailored for recruiters!

For those unfamiliar, Dean is a sourcing and Boolean expert, and he runs a fantastic resource website called The Sourcing Links (I’m not sharing the link here as it violates sharing guidelines).

To find Dean’s Start.Me page, simply search for “dean da costa ssar,” and you’ll see it pop up across the first page of results.

Dean has compiled an extensive list of tools, software, Facebook pages, and much more for recruiters, and he keeps it updated regularly, noting when he adds or modifies links.

If you haven’t heard of, it’s a fantastic, free platform that I use as my homepage. It allows you to organize all your bookmarks and frequently used tools in one place. Many users share their Start.Me pages (like Dean), allowing you to replicate sections or entire pages for your own easy reference. I’ve saved several of Dean’s pages, as well as a really impressive Start.Me compilation focused solely on AI, ChatGPT, and natural language processing topics—featuring tons of links to tutorials, prompt engineering resources, OpenAI APIs, and AI tool aggregators.

While I’m not sure how to find other Start.Me pages, I suspect there are plenty out there that would be beneficial for recruiting or business development/sales.