Maintaining Value: Seeking Advice

I could use some guidance.

My company is in its second year of operation and is based in Africa, introducing a completely new concept to our local market. I have partners, including one based in the U.S. who helps bring in clients.

I oversee operations, and our goal is to present ourselves as more than just an offshoring service that charges a monthly fee for the talent we source and screen. We house our talent on-site, providing them with a comfortable work environment along with internet access, salary management, hardware, infrastructure, and tax handling.

At the start, we appointed a tech team leader, who is also a developer, to work closely with our talent. His role is to ensure that the team meets milestones and tasks, maintain timekeeping, grasp the broader project scope, identify instances of underperformance, and compile monthly reports summarizing hours worked and tasks completed with feedback. This approach was designed to help instill confidence in companies that might be wary of working with a new market like Africa, which does come with its challenges. Staying on top of our talent is essential.

However, I feel that this approach isn’t functioning as intended. There seems to be an issue with the processes in place, and I’m not seeing any real value being added. Updates often feel like mere copy-pastes, and concerns about lazy or inadequate staff are raised too late.

What am I doing wrong? How do you manage similar situations? Is this a common challenge? What strategies do you implement for your clients, and what advice can you share?

Additionally, how do you distinguish your services from other recruiters or agencies out there?