Resources for Professional Development in Recruiting

I’ve compiled a list of podcasts, videos, and groups that can enhance the professional development and training of recruiters at all levels. This is by no means a comprehensive list, so please feel free to contribute any additional resources you think are valuable!

Podcasts & Webinars

YouTube Channels & Videos

  • Bob Marshall: Your Desk as a Manufacturing Plant
  • Mike “Batman” Cohen: Boolean Search
  • The Recruiter Roundtable
  • David Stephen Patterson: Headhunters Live
  • Tony Bryne’s Classic Video on Vimeo (Some people find his content valuable)


Join Recruiter Groups on Facebook, Slack, or Discord

These communities are a great way to ask questions, seek advice, or simply learn from others in the field:
Facebook Groups: Recruiters Who Actually Make Placements, Headhunter & Executive Recruiter Community, Recruiters Online, Independent Recruiters, Staffing Agencies, and Headhunters
Slack Communities: If you’re not already on Slack, consider joining some of these groups 8+ Slack Communities for Recruiters and 7 Recommended Slack Communities for Recruiting
Discord: Headhunters & Recruiters Group

Happy recruiting! >!in/thomasalascio!<